Vocabularies for Registry Schema
Originating Source Type (registry object)
authoritative: the source holds the authoritative version of the metadata about the registry
Activity Type (activity)
award: something given to recognize excellence in a certain field
course: education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings
event: something that happens at a particular place or time as an organized activity
with participants or an audience
program: system of activities intended to meet a public need
project: piece of work that is undertaken or attempted, with a start and end date and
defined objectives
Collection Type (collection)
catalogueOrIndex: collection of resource descriptions describing the content of one or more
repositories or collective works
collection: compiled content created as separate and independent works and assembled into a
collective whole for distribution and use
registry: collection of registry objects compiled to support the business of a given
repository: collection of physical or digital objects compiled for information and
documentation purposes and/or for storage and safekeeping
dataset: collection of physical or digital objects generated by research
Party Type (party)
group: one or more persons acting as a family, group, association, partnership or
person: human being or identity assumed by one or more human beings
Service Type (service)
create: instrument
generate: simulator
report: visualisation, summary
transform: analysis, conversion
assemble: aggregation
harvest-oaipmh: OAI-PMH Harvest
search-http: Search service over HTTP
search-opensearch: OpenSearch search
search-sru: SRU search
search-srw: SRW search
search-z3950: z39.50 search
syndicate-atom: ATOM syndication
syndicate-rss: RSS feed
Description Type (activity collection party service)
brief: short account for selection purposes
full: full account
logo: symbol used as an identifying mark
note: a brief informational message, not object metadata, to notify the record consumer
of some important aspect regarding the object or its metadata
rights: (collections only) information about rights held in and over the
accessRights: (collections and services) information about access rights to the collection or
deliverymethod: (services only) information about how the service is delivered. Should be one of:
webservice, software, offline, workflow
significanceStatement: (collections only) a statement describing the significance of a collection within its domain or context
Spatial Type (activity collection party service)
gml: OpenGIS Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard
gmlKmlPolyCoords: A set of KML long/lat co-ordinates derived from GML defining a polygon as
described by the KML coordinates element but without the altitude component
gpx: the GPS Exchange Format
iso31661: ISO 3166-1 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their
subdivisions - Part 1: Country codes
iso31662: Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part
2: Country subdivision codes
iso19139dcmiBox: DCMI Box notation derived from bounding box metadata conformant with the iso19139
kml: Keyhole Markup Language developed for use with Google Earth
kmlPolyCoords: A set of KML long/lat co-ordinates defining a polygon as described by the KML coordinates element
dcmiPoint: spatial location information specified in DCMI Point notation
text: free-text representation of spatial location
Physical Address Type (activity collection party service)
streetAddress: address where an entity is physically located
postalAddress: address where mail for an entity should be sent
Physical Address Part Type (activity collection party service)
addressLine: an address part that is a separate line of a structured address
text: a single address part that contains the whole address in unstructured form
telephoneNumber: an address part that contains a telephone number including a mobile telephone
faxNumber: an address part that contains a fax (facsimile) number
Activity Relation Type (activity)
hasAssociationWith: has an unspecified relationship with the related activity
hasOutput: delivers materials in the related collection
hasPart: contains the related activity
hasParticipant: is undertaken by the related party
isFundedBy: receives monetary or in-kind aid from the related program
isManagedBy: is organised and/or delivered by the related party
isOwnedBy: legally belongs to the related party
isPartOf: is contained in the related activity
Collection Relation Type (collection)
describes: is a catalogue for, or index of, of items in the related collection
hasPart: contains the related collection
hasAssociationWith: has an undefined relationship with the related collection
hasCollector: has been aggregated by the related party
isDescribedBy: is catalogued or indexed by the related collection
isLocatedIn: is held in the related repository
isLocationFor: is the repository where the related collection is held
isManagedBy: is maintained and made accessible by the related party
isOutputOf: is a product of the related activity
isOwnedBy: legally belongs to the related party
isPartOf: is contained within the related collection
supports: can be contributed to, accessed or used through the related service
isEnrichedBy: additional value provided to a collection by a party
isDerivedFrom: collection is derived from the related collection, e.g. through
hasDerivedCollection: the related collection is derived from the collection, e.g. through
Party Relation Type (party)
hasAssociationWith: has an unspecified relationship with the related registry object
hasMember: (group only) has enroled the related party in the group
hasPart: (group only) contains the related group
isCollectorOf: has aggregated the related collection
isFundedBy: receives monetary or in-kind aid from the related party or program
isFunderOf: provides monetary or in-kind aid to the related party or activity
isManagedBy: is overseen by the related party
isManagerOf: oversees the related party or administers the related collection
isMemberOf: is enroled in the related group
isOwnedBy: legally belongs to the related party
isOwnerOf: legally possesses the related activity, collection, service or
isPartOf: (group only) is contained in the related group
isParticipantIn: is enroled in the related activity
enriches: provides additional value to a collection
Service Relation Type (service)
hasAssociationWith: has an unspecified relationship with the related registry object
hasPart: contains the related service
isManagedBy: is overseen by the related party
isOwnedBy: legally belongs to the related party
isPartOf: is contained in the related service
isSupportedBy: enables contribution and access to and use of the related
isAvailableThrough: specialisation of isSupportBy type - for Harvest, Search and
makesAvailable: specialisation of supports type - for Harvest, Search and Syndicate
isProducedBy: specialisation of isSupportBy type - for Create, Generate and
produces: specialisation of supports type - for Create, Generate and Assemble
isPresentedBy: specialisation of isSupportBy type - for Report
presents: specialisation of supports type - for Report
isOperatedOnBy: specialisation of isSupportBy type - for Transform
operatesOn: specialisation of supports type - for Transform
addsValueTo: specialisation of isSupportBy type - for Annotate
hasValueAddedBy: specialisation of supports type - for Annotate
Name Type (activity collection service)
primary: official name of the registry object
abbreviated: shortened form of, or acronym for, the official name
alternative: any other form of name used now or in the past as a substitute or alternative for
the official name
Name Part Type (person)
family: last name or surname
given: forename or given or Christian name
initial: a single initial
suffix: honours, awards, qualifications and other identifiers conferred
title: word or phrase indicative of rank, office, nobility, honour, etc., or a term of
address associated with a person
Identifier Type (activity collection party service)
abn: Australian Business Number
arc: Australian Research Council identifier
ark: ARK Persistent Identifier Scheme
doi: Digital Object Identifier
handle: HANDLE System Identifier
infouri: 'info' URI scheme
isil: International Standard Identifier for Libraries
local: identifer unique within a local context
AU-ANL:PEAU: National Library of Australia identifier
purl: Persistent Uniform Resource Locator
uri: Uniform Resource Identifier
Electronic Address Type (activity collection party service)
email: string used to receive messages by means of a computer network
other: other electronic address
url: Uniform Resource Locator
wsdl: (service only) Web Service Definition Language
Arg Type (service)
string: (service only) Indicates the value of an argument is a plain text
object: indicates the value of an argument is an object, most likely in serialized
Arg Use (service)
inline: (service only) indicates the argument forms part of the base URL
keyValue: (service only) indicates the argument is passed using key=value pairings in the
query component of a URL
Temporal Coverage Date Type (service party activity collection)
dateFrom: start date for a temporal coverage period
dateTo: end date for a temporal coverage period
UTC: Coordinated Universal Time
W3CDTF: W3C Date Time Format
Citation Style (service party activity collection)
APA: American Psychological Association
MLA: Modern Language Association of America
IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
CSE: Council of Science Editors
Chicago: Chicago Manual of Style
AMA: American Medical Association
AGPS-AGIMO: Australian Style Manual
AGLC: Australian Guide to Legal Citation
ACS: American Chemical Society
Datacite: International Data Citation
Citation Identifier Type (service party activity collection)
ark: ARK Persistent Identifier Scheme
doi: Digital Object Identifier
ean13: International Article Number
eissn: electronic International Standard Serial Number
handle: HANDLE System Identifier
infoui: 'info' URI scheme
local: identifer unique within a local context
purl: Persistent Uniform Resource Locator
uri: Uniform Resource Identifier
issn: International Standard Serial Number
isbn: International Standard Book Number
istc: International Standard Text Code. http://www.istc-international.org/html/
upc: Universal Product Code
urn: Uniform Resource Name
Citation Date Type (service party activity collection)
publication: any formally published document, whether available in digital or online form or
website: any publicly accessible web location containing information related to the
collection, activity, party or service.
ark: ARK Persistent Identifier Scheme
doi: Digital Object Identifier
ean13: International Article Number
eissn: electronic International Standard Serial Number
handle: HANDLE System Identifier
infoui: 'info' URI scheme
local: identifer unique within a local context
purl: Persistent Uniform Resource Locator
uri: Uniform Resource Identifier
issn: International Standard Serial Number
isbn: International Standard Book Number
istc: International Standard Text Code. http://www.istc-international.org/html/
upc: Universal Product Code
urn: Uniform Resource Name